
Hello, my name is BJ, and I’m a process geek.  Almost feels like I’m in a meeting of Process Geeks Anonymous.  (I wonder if there is a 12 step program for people such as I, who are afflicted with an insane love of process.  But I digress.)

I’ve decided to use this format to document and share my thoughts, ideas, experiences, insights and general ruminations regarding processes… what they are, what they are NOT, how they should be defined/documented, and how to improve them (or, at least, try to improve them).   While I will be focusing more on the realm of software and technology related processes (since that is my background), a great deal of what will be discussed applies to business processes in general.   I’ll try to keep the software and computer specific technical jargon down to a minimum… or at least I’ll warn you ahead of time that it’s coming.

Now, as the name of this blog indicates, I’m taking a practical view of process.   There is much in process theory that sounds great, looks great, but in real world usage tends either to be way too difficult/expensive/time-consuming to implement or to be just outright silly.  I’m going to attempt to cut through the excesses and the impractical elements and focus on what is actually necessary and beneficial.  Practical processes can be complete, thorough, understandable and (most importantly) usable; as with many other things bigger is not necessarily better, and in fact smaller (and more simple) tends to be the best.

Thanks for reading, and please take the time to comment on the pieces that you find of interest (or ones where you may not agree with what I’ve said).